If you’re looking for accommodation near hospital and the purpose of your visit is health related, numerous hospitals, maternity clinics and health centers are located nearby.
Medical Center of Palaio Faliro
Medical Palaio Faliro which functions as standard medical treatment center, founded in 1991 to meet the health needs of residents of the southern suburbs by providing high quality nursing care. The increasing demand for high animal health services in the region led, in 2002, the addition of a new wing and new diagnostic departments supported by sophisticated high-tech laboratories and staffed by highly trained medical personnel. In particular, continuous improvement of quality of service it provides, Medical P. Faliro proclaimed in 2005, the Unit of Intensive Care by ISO9001: 2000.
Metropolitan is not just another private hospital. It is a complete health care system which is close to people at all stages of their lives. There are no missing or weak links in our chain of services because we want people to be strong, happy and healthy. To help people feel safe, we invest in the latest technology, the top scientists and the best associates.
The Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center (O.C.S.C.), a hospital specializing in cardiovascular surgery and in diagnostic and interventional cardiology, was designed, built, equipped and furnished by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation. It operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Health as a non-profit institution.
REA Maternity Gynecology Clinic was born in 2007, based on the vision of a team of prominent obstetricians – gynecologists, with a significant scientific and professional presence. Their vision was to create an original, modern clinic to cover the great gap in the field and provide high-level medical services in the Southern Suburbs of the Attica basin.
Armed with the trust of more than 450 distinguished doctors-shareholders, the decisiveness of the leading team and the necessary capital adequacy, we dynamically implemented the greatest private investment in infrastructure and advanced medical technology. Our commitment is to become an example in the private health services sector based on our doctor-centered operation philosophy, dedication to the values of Medical Science, respect towards doctors and nurses and providing constant care to patient mothers and women in general.
The hospital “Metaxa” decades offers specialized health services in the field of oncology pathiseon.To hospital maintains and enhances the anticancer character. “Tools” for the achievement of the objectives are to a certain extent, satisfactory structures of the hospital, the long and specialized experience of its staff, existing and undeniable expertise, the rational management of resources, mobilization of human resources and exploiting new technologies.
Andreas Syggros Hospital of Cutaneous & Venereal Diseases
Andreas Syggros’ Hospital of Cutaneous & Venereal Diseases, in Athens, was established in 1910 with the aim to provide medical care for patients with cutaneous or sexually transmitted diseases. Over the years, the hospital has been acknowledged as a leading hospital for Clinical Dermatology in Greece with a longstanding experience in the diagnosis, research and treatment of cutaneous diseases.
The hospital is a teaching center for the 3-year postgraduate training of medical doctors in the specialty of Dermatology-Venereology, in Outpatient offices and in the Clinic. Also, the 1st Dermatology Department of the University of Athens is responsible for the teaching of students of the Medical School of the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece, with a series of lectures and workshops in Dermatology-Venereology.
The General Hospital “Asklipio Voula” employs 1100 workers and developed beds have been reduced to 358 from 402 beds provided by the Agency’s operation, because of structuralinadequacy of several buildings, the result of age and those of recent earthquakes in 1999.
With the implementation of Law 3329/05 Asklipio Voula changing gradually from a specialist Orthopaedic Hospital, able to cover the increased and real needs of the wider region of Attica and the Mediterranean, which serves approximately 1,5 million inhabitants. In this direction the hospital turned a significant number of orthopedic beds beds of Pathology Division, giving those in clinical pathology and the Cardiology Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care Unit. The hospital is on duty every fourth day, the coverage is from Sounion to the Paleo Faliro and a part of Eastern Attica. Every day is on duty for orthopedic cases.
Founded upon donation merchant Nikita Tzanne from Kythira, Piraeus Citizen. The foundation stone was placed in 1866. Operating since 1873 as Brotherhood and by Law no. 1467 to 1442 as a public entity, independent of the public entity the Municipality of Piraeus.
The construction design, composition and operation, done with care Peiraiotes Professor of Pharmacology and Pathology, University of Athens THEODOROU Afentoulis. In 1927 he opened the new wing as Maternity Hospital. In 1934 a new wing was built, which served as the Surgical Department, the SALIPOULEIO, gift Demetriou Salipoula.
Mediterraneo Hospital is a private hospital, located in Glyfada, in the region of the “Athenian Riviera”. Mediterraneo hospital’s 164 nursing beds and more than 25 medical specialties cover a wide medical range on a diagnostic and therapeutic level. What characterizes and differentiates Mediterraneo is the pioneering conception and implementation of the “boutique” approach in a hospital environment.
The MESOGEIOS Dialysis Centers Group was founded for the sole purpose of fully covering the needs of dialysis patients according to the highest standards.
Our vision is to create a model hospitalization unit that will improve the patients’ quality of life. After a careful study of the particularities of such a project, Mesogeios started creating a network of top quality Dialysis Units across Greece, starting off from Heraklion, Crete. The network expanded onto Serres, Kalamata, Halkida and Attica in two key areas, Paleo Faliro (covering the southern suburbs) and Pallini (covering eastern Attica).
The ORASIS center started operating in 1987 under the direction of the surgeon ophthalmologist Mr. John Lambropoulos, who after years of stay in the US, applied in 1975 for the first time in Greece the method of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. From 1994 onwards organized and developed innovative medical unit “ORASIS” in P. Faliro, which was a template Eye Center, where for the first time in Greece implemented organized Ambulatory Surgery in Ophthalmology using basic respective centers organizational principles of USA (Day Surgery Unit).
The Athens Eye Hospital is the only ophthalmic Clinic with the most modern infrastructure and services in Greece and Southeastern Europe. Its mission is to improve the quality of life by providing health services to improve vision, prevent blindness and the advancement of knowledge in ophthalmology, with educational programs and innovative research.
The Standard Ophthalmological Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Research Center “OPHTHALMO-CHECK” was created in 1992 by surgeon Ophthalmologist, Professor Pantelis A.. Papadopoulos. H philosophy OPHTHALMO-CHECK is to offer high quality medical services in the field of Ophthalmology, using the most modern means of diagnosis and treatment, maintaining the personal touch to the special and sensitive doctor-patient relationship.
The success of Ophthalmo-Check is due to the trust our patients who visit us, precisely because of this personal care and quality of our services. The complete scientific training of medical and paramedical staff through continuous scientific training abroad is essential for the provision of modern medical services similar to those provided in advanced countries like the US and Germany. The scientific staff of the Model Ophthalmology Diagnostic and Therapeutic Centre Ophthalmo-Check, participates actively in most Ophthalmic Conferences in Greece and abroad with announcements, presentations and publications.